Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

Jedi Academy is another game in a series with a distinguished history. This game is a bit of a blend between first person shooter and third person (Tomb Raider style) action depending on your weapon of choice. In order to bench this game we ran FRAPS over an in game cut scene featuring Chewie, gunfire, and a nice explosion.

NV38 takes this benchmark, followed by its little brother the 5900 Ultra. And...

Barring any image quality problems, NVIDIA takes the AA/AF benchmark as well.

Homeworld 2 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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  • Anonymous User - Sunday, October 5, 2003 - link

    you're all idiots
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 4, 2003 - link

    I think everyone knows that those FS2004 results were
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 4, 2003 - link

    Bishot Mgdbottled here,
    I just wanna say Anad did a great Job!

    Those FS2004 results are the truth, I get 100FPS no problem with my 9700P! while All the NV boys get is 20-30! Hah!

    Thats why Anad will always be my top techie site!

    ATI Rocks NVidia sucks! End of story! I here that Nvidia got dropped by Microsoft from any DX10 development participation!

    Woohoo! Even MS knows what we all know, NV sucks!
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 4, 2003 - link

    I would like to see a comparison with a game that uses the "meant to be played optimizations".

    That could be a real hoot.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 4, 2003 - link

    I still trust Anand more than HardOCP, I won't even give the H my hits anymore I detest them so much.

    This is definately one of the lowest quality and only review I can remember with such low integrety for Anandtech.

    Sorry guys, please use don't insult our intellegence by posting articles like this.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 4, 2003 - link

    ATi is currently deciding who gets 9600XT samples while they wait for them to ship...
  • Curley - Saturday, October 4, 2003 - link

    Take a stand. No matter how many games you include or how long you make the reviews, the educated reader knows what you are doing.

    Intestinal fortitude is a hard thing to come by.

    That is why HARD OCP is now my home page.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 4, 2003 - link

    Those Fs2004 results are great!

    What the H**l were you guys smoken?

    Didn't you even think when you got those funny results?

    No, I guess you did not.

    Anad, I'm sorry but yer site has lost all credence.

    So long.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 4, 2003 - link

    Stupid moron!
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, October 4, 2003 - link

    Mgdbottled here again,

    I see non of you NV dwarfs can speakup in behalf of your beloved nvidia! HA! Your card sucks so go home!

    ATI 2xAA is better than anything FX cards can do! HA! AND THEY don't cheat!!!!

    I swithched my trilien filter on by selecting performance mode and at 16anison this card just screams!

    ATI F***ing rocks man!!!

    OK, me an Bigshot are the same, I had to do that because someone was using my nick.

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