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Shuttle XPC ST61G4: On-Board Graphics Performance Gaming and Media Encoding Performance
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  • Cygni - Sunday, January 25, 2004 - link

    The IGP performance was stellar... if your going to be using the onboard graphics, this box looks like a good choice... but if your going to be using the AGP slot, the i865G looks better.
  • sipc660 - Saturday, January 24, 2004 - link

    i think my laptop is running the same ati igp chipset and apart from the crappy celery i noticed performance could be somewhat better..but i don't think that the memory timings are forced that slow..
    could it be that the shuttle wanted to keep off any possible temperature issues?
    i noticed anything video and or memory intensive turns my rather quite laptop into a godzilla.

    i reckon anyone purchasing SFF should still get the shuttle and wait for a bios update....that should close the resulting performance gap


    ban the freakin 3andHalf floppy drives...
  • sipc660 - Saturday, January 24, 2004 - link

  • gamara - Saturday, January 24, 2004 - link

    The onboard nForce2 was tested in a previous review, and had better onboard video performance with a processor that cost $80(Athlon XP 2600+) instead of $260(P4 3.0). Not sure if the settings were the same, as the previous article did not list what settings it was tested with.
    ATI 98 FPS Q3, 50 UT 2003 Flyby, and 38 UT Bot
    NForce2 129 Q3, 66 UT Flyby, and 38 UT Bot. Not bad for giving up 1 Ghz on the processor.
  • artifex - Friday, January 23, 2004 - link

    this may sound stupid, but how do you install Windows to the onboard RAID without a floppy for the RAID driver? Not to mention... where does the other drive in the RAID go? :)
  • Lonyo - Friday, January 23, 2004 - link

    ATi - Pentium 4, Intel - Pentium 4. nVidia - AMD.
  • Rako00 - Friday, January 23, 2004 - link

    Why compare the ATI to intels intergreated graphics card only. At least include the Nforce 2 graphic card too.

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