Final Words

So, all in all, things look to be on track for ATI, NVIDIA, and Microsoft. Having experienced the joy of WoW for 16bit applications on Windows NT back in the day, even this early beta version for 32bit apps seems like a miracle. Of course, just because something is better than a previous iteration doesn't make it good - Microsoft will need to have WoW ready to support the vast majority of applications and games on the market if the 64bit version of Windows XP is going to gain any real acceptance in the marketplace.

Along with Microsoft, the biggest issue for NVIDIA and ATI right now is software support. Both camps need to push a little harder to make sure that their driver isn't going to cause problems with 32bit games running under WoW. Of course, it is very hard to hit a moving target, and all things considered, everything looks alright. The only really big thing to point out is the lack of support for anything OpenGL under the current ATI driver. Obviously, such a large issue will be addressed and taken care of by ATI, but we would have liked to have seen something that we could test at this point.

We would also have liked to test R420 and NV40, but, again, it's all beta drivers and operating systems and really new hardware. Getting their 64bit drivers in working order is more important to ATI and NVIDIA than adding support for the latest bleeding edge product that they've released.

Software support has been a long time in coming to AMD's hardware, but we are very happy to see that everything is progressing nicely. Software support is lacking; there are some stability issues, and performance is just about to the level that we would expect. Here's to the hope that the completion of the development of 64bit software goes smoothly to all involved.

Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
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  • kcbaltz - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - link

    Pardon my ignorance, but what's "WoW"?
  • Pumpkinierre - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - link

    I wonder if the nVidia architecture with its 16bit/32bit FPU lends itself better to 64bit computation than ATI's 24bit FP. The nVidias certainly show the sort of performance improvements we were expecting.
  • ZobarStyl - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - link

    Beta or not the point is seeing if actual current hardware will benefit from the increased efficiency of a 64 bit OS...I think it's a perfectly reasonable article and I liked it, if WoW emulation can post any benefits and not hinder any programs then it will be a godsend to A64 owners.
  • araczynski - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - link

    #6: I think only the fanboi community is interested in data that is mostly based on Beta sources. The geek community would be interested in actual release data, not this stuff. You might as well start comparing the 5.0ghz offerings from AMD and Intel at this point.
  • Pjotr - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - link

    BTW, UT2004 64 bit:
  • RyanVM - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - link

    RE: NV40. "If there's demand" - HAH! Like you even have to say that :-)

    I think the entire geek community is interested in seeing how well the latest and greatest hardware performs in a 64bit environment. Do it up!
  • Stuke - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - link

    On your test platform, under dxdiag, did it show that it had AGP support? Whenever I install the via 4in1 on my system and the video drivers, I get no AGP texture acceleration. Maybe thats a cause for lower performance too.
  • DerekWilson - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - link

    I appologize for messing up the graphs. It really should be the 5950 in the graphs.

    The latest versions of the drivers when the tests were performed didn't support X800 and 6800 yet.

    I'll correct the error ASAP. Sorry for any confusion.
  • Illissius - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - link

    You put 6800 Ultra instead of 5959 Ultra on all the graphs :/
    OTOH it's odd that the 5950U is faster at Halo, which is DX9. Is it using a special codepath (one sans any actual DX9 stuff :) ) or something?
    And yeah, NV40 vs. R420 would be nice, but other things are prob. more important. (Such as the Far Cry SM 3.0 patch and whether or not NV40 gets a performance boost on nForce3 as nVidia says it does.)
  • Pjotr - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - link

    UT2004 is available in 64 bit server and client versions now, although beta. Any chance of adding these to the test?

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