Full Screen Application - Gaming

Here are a few quick looks at some demanding full screen applications (except solitaire, which is windowed). All of these screenshots are taken with DVI inputs on the LCD.

Morrowind (DVI-PC) - In some ways, we were penalized by using Morrowind in our last 30" LCD benchmark because the screen was stretched due to the funny ratio in the signal processor. We were penalized again when using the display for Morrowind because the game does not support a widescreen format. Colors, after calibration, look excellent.

Click to enlarge.

Max Payne 2 (DVI-PC) - Max Payne shows us exactly where the CMO panel has trouble with TrTf response time. As we could have guessed from the Albatron review a few months ago, the monitor performed brilliantly as far as any response time issues were concerned. Play was smooth and we experienced no problems with motion blur.

Click to enlarge.

Unreal Tournament 2004 (DVI-PC) - When looking at other LCDs in the past, we noticed an unsightly "washed out" image when the brightness was too high. On the LT-30, we had no issues even with the backlight level cranked to "Bright". Gray-to-Gray response time was on par with the TrTf response time of Max Payne; gaming was a joy on this LCD.

Click to enlarge.

Full Screen Application - TV Subjective Analysis
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  • MAME - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - link

    Stealing apple's thunder

    $1k cheaper and no $600 video card to drive it

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