Kingmax DDR2-533

Kingmax may not be as familiar to US readers, but Kingmax is a very large supplier of memory products in Asia. You will also find Micron chips in many Kingmax products, and that is the case with the Kingmax DDR2-33.

Test DIMMs were a matched pair of single-sided 256MB DDR2 533 DIMMs without heat spreaders. We would have preferred Kingmax to supply 512MB samples for testing, but these 256MB modules will provide a rough idea of the performance penalty, if any, with 256MB single-sided modules. You may recall in our Searching for the Memory Holy Grail - Part 2 article that single-sided modules performed more poorly than double-sided on the 875/865 chipsets.

As already mentioned, the top-performing Micron memory chips were used in the Kingmax DDR2 533 DIMMs.

Test Results: Kingmax DDR2-533

The full suite of benchmark tests were run at all memory speeds. This includes Quake3, Super PI, Sandra 2004 SP2 Memory Tests, Aida 32 Memory Tests, and Return to Castle Wolfenstein-Enemy Territory. We also ran UT2003, Aquamark 3, and Comanche 4 at every memory speed to verify stability of the reported memory timings. All benchmarks and additional tests had to complete without incident for the memory settings to be considered stable.

Kingmax DDR2-533 (DDR2 533) - 2 x 512Mb Single-Bank
Speed Memory Timings & Voltage Quake3 fps Sandra UNBuffered Sandra Standard Buffered Super PI 2M places
(time in sec)
369.4 INT 2955
FLT 3038
INT 4903
FLT 4903
454.6 INT 3484
FLT 3605
INT 6076
FLT 6077
466.7 INT 3555
FLT 3661
INT 6245
FLT 6247

Kingmax DDR2-533 (DDR2 533)
Speed RCW-ET
Aida 32
Aida 32
Aida 32
78.2 5424 2177 7601
97.1 6608 2600 9208
99.7 6754 2645 9399

Since Kingmax uses the same Micron chips as Micron, Crucial, and Corsair, the performance should be at the top of the charts. Generally, the Kingmax is one of the better performers in this roundup, but the 512MB total memory and/or single-sided configuration holds Kingmax back from the top of the charts. Since Crucial and Micron had no trouble with 667 and 686 memory speeds, it is not a surprise that Kingmax performs at the same timings and low voltages.

Geil PC2-4300 Kingston PC2-4300 Value RAM
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  • Wesley Fink - Thursday, July 8, 2004 - link

    #9 - Actually the first number was copied incorrectly and has now been fixed. The tRas 11 line on p.3 now reads 5303-2344-7647.
  • FlameDeer - Thursday, July 8, 2004 - link

    Hi Wesley, nice article. :)

    Something to change:
    At page 3, Micron PC2-4300U Table, Row tRAS 11,
    Aida 32 Total should be "7697".
  • MIDIman - Thursday, July 8, 2004 - link

    > When can we expect DDR2 for A64?
  • mczak - Thursday, July 8, 2004 - link

    Nice article, a real pity though there are no performance numbers for overclocked FSB only (i.e. FSB 258 / DDR2-"516"). There are some reasons to believe memory performance would also be quite a bit higher than with FSB200/DDR2-533...
  • Bozo Galora - Thursday, July 8, 2004 - link

    Another clear concise mem article by Prometheus.
  • KillaKilla - Thursday, July 8, 2004 - link

    When can we expect DDR2 for A64? Even thouthe they aren't so affected by lack of memory bandwidth...
  • rjm55 - Thursday, July 8, 2004 - link

    I am not usually that much into memory articles, but this is one of the best reviews I have seen on the new Intel architecture. It was surprising that even the budget DDR2 did 667. When will Intel be launching 667 as an "official" DDR2 speed?
  • Anemone - Thursday, July 8, 2004 - link

    VERY nice article - and informative on the limits that no one else is authoritatively reviewing. Thankyou and keep them coming!

  • skiboysteve - Thursday, July 8, 2004 - link

    or... im blind..
  • skiboysteve - Thursday, July 8, 2004 - link

    you should mention in the benchmarks which modules are DS and SS, so people dont go ape shit over poor performance of say... GEIL..

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