Living with a Small Form Factor

Once everything is assembled, the internal differences between computer systems tend to disappear. This is not intended as a formal review of either of these systems, so we'll dispense with the benchmarks. For typical use, any modern system is going to be plenty fast. Only stressful applications like games, video editing, or 3D rendering/modeling will really benefit from a change in components. On a regular basis, I use everything from a 1.13 GHz P3 up through an Athlon XP 2500+, Pentium 4 2.8C to 3.4E, and Athlon 64 3000+ to 3800+. Benchmarks will usually tell a story of one being faster than another in a variety of tests, but other than the old P3 system, all of them feel pretty much the same in day-to-day use. (Even the P3 is sufficient for surfing the web and office work, of course, provided that you have a little patience.)

So what do I notice now that I've changed from a decent quality ATX case to a SFF case? For one, the SFF units are both quieter than my ATX case - not by a large margin, particularly when I use my fanbus to turn the RPMs down, but enough that you will notice the lack of noise. My old system actually had a Western Digital WD800JB drive in it, and I had never thought much about the noise that it was making. Moving it to the Shuttle eliminated a lot of the fan noise, and suddenly, the high-pitched whine of the hard drive could be heard clearly in my living room. It was annoying enough that I ended up ghosting the drive over to a Seagate model to eliminate the noise. How I managed to cope with the noise level of my old setup amazes me.

We have several recordings for those who want to compare the noise levels. These recordings were done with a Creative MuVo NX, so they don't have amazing fidelity, but they should give you a decent idea of the noise levels of various setups. First, we have the Antec 3700-BQE with all the fans at minimum RPM, and then, here they are at maximum RPM. I use the maximum RPM setting when overclocking the CPU and graphics card while running 3D games; at stock clock speeds, it is definitely not required. Also worth mentioning is that the CPU has the Zalman CNPS7000A cooler on it, which is regarded as one of the quietest CPU coolers. In contrast, we have the Shuttle and ASUS SFF units, measured at the same distance of 12 inches from the case. Both recordings are of the units powering on, and the process is the same on each. First, the fan spins up to full speed right after booting, and then it slows down to a more typical speed. During all of our testing, the fan RPMs noise never seemed to rise above the default level, so the initial two seconds is the only time that we really hear the fans. For those who are interested, here is the recording of the Shuttle case with my "loud" Western Digital drive - the difference is not as noticeable in the recordings as in person due to the low quality microphone, unfortunately.

Click to enlarge.

Beyond the noise factor, about the only thing noticeable is that my large case is no longer sitting on top of my desk. Instead, there is a smaller, sleeker-looking case sitting in its place. My cases, incidentally, are all sitting on top of desks. Anyone who has experienced the joys of a toddler can guess why - no sooner did my daughter start crawling and walking when the power buttons on my computers started calling her name. Many of you probably don't have that concern, but if you have to put a case up on top of a desk for whatever reason, SFFs are very nice to have. It has been a while since I lived in a cramped college dorm room, but if memory serves me correctly, that would also be an ideal situation to have a smaller case - especially when paired with a 17" LCD.

One last problem that I encountered after a few days bears mention. I needed to use my printer, and I hadn't bothered reconnecting it after the box swap for whatever reason. I have an older Laser printer that still works fine, but while it can use a USB connection, it has some problems. The printer is one of the first models to support a USB connection; if it isn't powered on when the system is booted, Windows won't see the USB device and you have to unplug the USB cable, power on the printer, and then plug it into a different USB port. It also tends to "disappear" and require the same steps to be repeated once every couple of days if I leave my computer running. However, the printer also supports an LPT connection that eliminates these problems, making that the preferred connection. I discovered to my dismay that the Shuttle box lacks an LPT port - it just hadn't occurred to me to look for one. After I configured these two units, I was very glad that the ASUS box included an LPT port. If you still use an older printer, you should probably pay attention to that detail; about half of the SFF units that I've seen opt not to include a parallel port.

Some Assembly Required Final Thoughts
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  • nostriluu - Thursday, December 9, 2004 - link

    OK, I realize this is going to get erased as a troll, but its not meant to be one.

    The first paragraph on this article seems to be trying to clear people's conscience on the issue of e-waste.

    Its undeniable that there are huge cycles that are our of our control, but there is also an impact from e-waste that creates minor disasters and disease for people around the world.

    Anandtech could try to be a responsible site by acknowledging this factor and encouraging efforts, such as "cradle to grave" enviromental consideration for hazardous(!) material, recyling for needy organizations, encourage vendors to "green" their products (which is already happening) and so on.

    Ignoring this issue, or trying to dismiss it, puts Anandtech into a category of conscienceless consumerism that makes the world a worse place to live.

    Tech enthusiasm and responsible living can go hand in hand, otherwise you can only consider yourself greedy, and tech enthusiasm becomes a form of putting ones head in the sand.

    And yes, individuals are responsible for messes that are created.
  • PrinceGaz - Thursday, December 9, 2004 - link

    #18- "We all run Memtest, of course, so how can we escape the floppy?"

    They provide bootable ISO CD images you can download and burn, so you don't need a floppy.
  • Saist - Thursday, December 9, 2004 - link

    Just wanted to state that I picked up Solteks EQ3801 and have been quite pleased by the case...

    What concerns me about SFF units is the power supply... or rather, lackthere of.
  • archcommus87 - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - link

    Not here.

    My computer's loud, because I run all four of my fans at top speed to keep temps okay with my 467 MHz overclock. But after awhile you just get used to it and it really doesn't bother me anymore.
  • JarredWalton - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - link

    20 - Are you listening to them on a Windows machine? I've tried them on three computers (a 1.13 GHz P3, a 2.8C P4, and my own Athlon 64 3200+) and didn't have any issues. They should be relatively quiet, and the quality isn't great but should be sufficient. Anyone else having issues with the WAV files?
  • Avalon - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - link

    All the sound wavs sound extremely distorted, like bombs going off in WW2 :D
  • snowman - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - link

    I just posted the following Review on New Egg's site this week. Looks like we're on the same page.

    Snowman,12/4/2004 7:22:20 AM

    I'm a 55 year old Extreme Gamer. I've been building gaming rigs since before it was cool. I build a new box every year and, with my experience, I try to beat Max PC's Dream Machine. My wife gets my old rig. She was OK with it, but she always said they were too big, noisy, lit-up, and intimidating. So I built her one of these for Christmas.

    I was concerned that it might be very difficult because I wear a XXL glove size and still can palm a basketball. All I can say is "WOW". The quality is first rate, instructions are easy to understand and the design is superior. I really took my time and had it up and runing with XP Pro w/SP2 installed in under 3 hours. Everything is well thought out and, if you take your time, goes together in a logical manner. The onboard sound is even good for all but gamers. Nothing got scratched during assembly, because I took my time and used my head. This was by far the most trouble free build ever.

    What impressed me the most was the quiet. You can hardly hear it. The heatsink and fan that comes with it is high quality (TT) and quiet too. Sure, I put an Antec slot fan in for more air flow but it is still very quiet. Boot time is quick. This is a dream and she just loves it. That was the goal.

    AMD Athlon 64 3400+
    1 Gig Kingston Hyper-X 3200
    eVGA 6800 GT
    Lite-On 52x32x52x16 Combo drive
    Samsung FDD
    200 gb Seagate HD SATA
    Antec slot fan

    A quick note. I tried installing 2 WD Raptors in Raid 0. It worked fine, but the noise from the drives was distracting and louder than anything in the case. 1 SATA 200 GB Seagate did the trick and preserved the quiet.

    I highly recommend this product. It won't take a 6800 Ultra and it does get hot during gaming sessions of more than 1 hour with Doom3, Far Cry, Impossible Creatures, etc. If your goal is to build a super fast, super quiet, high quality computer about the size of a 4 slice toaster this is definately for you.
  • archcommus87 - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - link

    I have looked at Shuttles and other SFFs in the past, however I noticed that, although they have two PCI slots, do they not only have TWO expansion slots in the back? So wouldn't that only allow for a video card and one PCI card? That automatically counts me out, as I must have my Audigy 2 and TV tuner. But that's just now, with my computer in my basement, where there's no space for a TV. In college, where I won't even have cable in my dorm, I won't need a TV tuner, and may even have onboard audio. In such a case I guess an SFF could fit me okay, as I only use one HDD, one optical, and one floppy.

    As far as companies not letting go of older tech, yes, that bothers me sometimes, as well. I really didn't think parallel ports have been necessary for awhile now for most users. For floppies, well, when I put together my current system this past summer, I DID at first try to not have one, but I ended up giving in and putting one in, because I needed it for BIOS flashes and for running Memtest. We all run Memtest, of course, so how can we escape the floppy?

    Still, I don't like the idea of hardly being able to fit a 6800 Ultra, and having a hotter computer, and it being harder to assemble the thing because of space. I always like a roomy interior. So, perhaps I will always prefer the roomier, more robust case for my main computer, even though I don't use a ton of extra features. However, for a kitchen, living room, or HTPC, an SFF sounds like a great idea.
  • JarredWalton - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - link

    I have noted the availability of a parallel port connection on the last page. This was not meant as a formal review of either product - just a first impression of use with the equipment that was included with the box. The roundup will include all the details about front and rear connections as well as expansion options, so have no fear.

    I haven't actually used a SFF before, as I mentioned, and I actually agree with the sentiments of Wernst (if that wasn't clear from reading the article). The whole point of the "history lesson" at the beginning was to show how large cases really *aren't* necessary these days.

    Regarding the heat issue, the fans in the SFF cases can actually spin up to very high RPMs if the case gets too hot, so I don't think it will be any more of a problem than with ATX cases. Unfortunately, since it's winter now, I don't have a good way to simulate 95+ F temperatures in my house. (Well, maybe not too unfortunate...)

    Finally, regarding the "patience" required to use an older P3 1.13 GHz: trust me, things have changed enough now that a 1.13 GHz really does struggle to keep up with certain common tasks these days. Many HTML sites use dozens of tables on each page, and rendering tables really taxes the CPU. There's a forum I frequent where page loads for longer threads (15+ posts) on the 1.13 GHz take 10 seconds or more to complete. You can live with it, but when you're just going back to a thread that has one new post, a 10 second delay is irritating. In comparison, an a P4 2.8 and an Athlon 64 3200+, threads all load and render in about 2 seconds. Playing DivX or Xvid movies on a P3 can also have problems - the audio will often get out of synch due to the processor being pegged at 100%. Anyway, as I said, you *can* live with a 1 GHz machine, but there are going to be some things that require patience.
  • wernst - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - link

    I've always built beige boxes, but my latest machine is an SFF from Soltek. It is small, quiet, easy to transport to LAN parties or gaming conventions (I can bring it on the airplane as a carry-on item too, complete with its own backback that came with the system), as fast as anything I see at a gaming convention, and it looks nice to boot.

    The "lack of expandability" statement always bothers me. Now that we have USB2 and Firewire, the vast majority of expansion can (and does) take place outside of the computer case. I mean, I have a high-end AGP video card, a SB Audigy PCI card, and room for three drives (1 HDD and 2 Optical, or 2HDD and 1 Optical), and a floppy drive in this little SFF case. What more do I need these days inside the box? I don't need a SCSI card any more, or a RAID controller, a silly tape-backup system wired into the floppy cables, or multiple parallel ports, since USB and FireWire handle all these things wonderfully. Networking is built-in too.

    The other argument against SFF that I always wonder about is the "I can just get a new mainboard and reuse the case for upgrades." OK, that's true, and I have done it many times in the past, but not lately. Lately, I'd rather spend a few extra dollars on a new case for the new maiboard so that I can have TWO comptuers that actually work at the same time. Instant LAN party! A test machine for troubleshooting! A spare box a friend can use while I'm on mine!

    The main reason you don't see more people clamoring for SFF boxes is because the average PC Consumer doesn't know about them. When clients see my SFF system, they tell me they want me to build them one the next time they need something new. When Dell starts selling such systems, I guarantee that people will start wanting them too.

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