Motherboard Tray

The motherboard tray is the same as that in the Sidewinder, since it has the same internal design. Again, we see no tool-less features here, like snap-on stand-offs that we saw in Thermaltake's VM3000A. Thermaltake's methods, however, didn't seem too appealing after a while, since removing the motherboard from the snap-in stand-offs was extremely tedious.

Click to enlarge.

There are plenty of screw holes to accommodate various types and sizes of motherboards from uATX to extended ATX form factors.

Construction Installation
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  • |mynamehere| - Friday, April 16, 2010 - link

    i own one of these; my friend gave it to me, but thats not important... I actually have to say i like the design, although the LED display is inconvenient located, the design is very aggressive and eye-catching. its a little big, but that size is anything but wasted, it have places for multiple fans, motherboard, power supply, Hardrive, CD/DVD burner, and other accessories for your computer. if you have the space and would enjoy a kick-ass light-show while running it in the dark, this was made for you.

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