8x +RW - MKM A03

Now, we look at each drive's performance with the new 8x DVD+RW media.

8x +RW - MKM A03 Write

Again, only 4 of the 6 drives are able to see the disc...

8x +RW - MKM A03 Read

...and only 3 of those 4 drives are able to read back the data disc.

8x +RW - MKM A03

We tried to read the disc written by the Toshiba unit, but the Plextor drive couldn't see it either. The PI errors ranged between 250,000 and 432,000.

We have created ZIP files of the screenshots that we have taken of the Nero CD-DVD Speed and PlexTools benchmarks. Feel free to click on the links below to download them.

BenQ DW1640
LG GSA-4163B
NEC ND-3540A
Pioneer DVR-109D
Sony DRU-720A
Toshiba SD-R5372

6x -RW - MKM 01RW6X01 6x -RW - Ritek W06
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  • g33k - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 - link

    Yup, it looks like you might be better off buying a last gen drive. It might take a while for the firmware updates that may improve these drives.

    From the looks of it, NEC and Pioneer are no longer the best drives. BenQ has that title now.
  • Beenthere - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 - link

    Doesn't look like ANY of these drives are worth buying with so many errors.

    SOD, DD. Rushed to market CRAP !!!
  • quadcity - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 - link

    "Special thanks to BenQ for supplying us with the DW1640."
  • nutxo - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 - link

    Where did they acquire a benq 1640?

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