9700 PRO

With the 9700 PRO, we felt that it would be good to look at older technology with the first DirectX 9 board that ATI ever made. We were interested to see how well the catalyst 5.7 drivers did on an AGP motherboard as well. As it turns out, FarCry is the only game that really benefits from the new drivers in this case, and we see some nice gains. 1600x1200 without AA and 1280x1024 with AA both see about a 30% increase with catalyst 5.7. With AA enabled, the game still runs pretty slow, but without AA, the game play will smooth out considerably.

Radeon 9700 PRO 128MB

Radeon 9700 PRO 128MB

Radeon 9700 PRO 128MB

Radeon 9700 PRO 128MB

X700 PRO 256 and X700 128 Final Words
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  • Slaimus - Saturday, August 13, 2005 - link

    Time to load them onto my Moblity X300 64MB
  • GameTraveler - Saturday, August 13, 2005 - link

    The drivers seemed to be great! That is until I decided to do 'old school' action in Quake 3 Arena, CTF style. After a round or two, Q3a crashed to the desktop with an error in ATIOGL.DLL Go figure! ATI techsupport suggested to roll back to a previous version of the driver--I only had 5.3 at the time; but it's worked flawlessly ever since. I suppose I'll update again later, but not until the OpenGL error is fixed.
  • Zoomer - Saturday, August 13, 2005 - link

    Drop the old dll into your q3 directory and see if it helps. :)

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