NVIDIA 7800 GT Mini-Roundup

by Josh Venning on December 8, 2005 12:05 AM EST
Overclocking/Power Load

We've overclocked a few 7800 GTs in the past, with positive results, and we put each of these three cards to the test for this review. It is important for us to note here that overclocking any graphics card over the factory clock can be hazardous to the card, and also, the results of these tests are subjective. Many times, two cards of the exact same brand and model will have different results when overclocking, but these tests are to give us a general idea of each card's overclocking abilities.

Something that we want to touch on briefly is the issue of scaling frequencies for the 7800, which we first saw when overclocking the 7800 GTX. To recap, because of the way clock frequencies scale for the 7800 GT and GTX, increases in core clock speeds don't always represent actual increases in performance. There are "plateaus" where several consecutive clock speeds (i.e. 468, 469, 470MHz) yield nearly exactly the same performance, and then we see a sudden step up in performance between certain frequencies (i.e. 477MHz, 478MHz ) to create a "stair-like" graph when visualizing the performance scaling. You can take a look at a similar graph and some information about this from a past article here.

To give you an idea of how we overclock our cards beyond their factory speeds, we first use coolbits to detect optimal settings for each card. Then we loop some benchmarks, and lower the clock speeds if we see any graphical tearing or artifacts. A good thing about NVIDIA's overclocking tool is that it will keep the card fairly safe from damage caused by attempting to overclock it too high. We simply use trial and error, raising or lowering the core and memory clock speeds until we find settings that offer the maximum performance while running the tests completely stable.

When we overclocked the ASUS EN7800 GT, which is clocked at reference speeds (400MHz/1.0GHz), we find that it clocks up to 468MHz core and 1.2GHz memory. The XFX 7800 GT OC overclocked to 462MHz and 1.2GHz, not much higher than its own factory overclock. The EVGA e-GeForce 7800 GT had a fairly high overclock, considering that it already came factory OC'ed pretty high: 479MHz core and 1.22GHz memory clock. We ran some Splinter Cell benchmarks to see what kind of framerates would result at the different clock speeds, and here they are for your reference.

Splinter Cell Performance

Splinter Cell 4xAA Performance

Power Load

To test the power load of the card, we measure the total watt usage of our test computer at the wall outlet, recording the power usage of our system in two different states. The first state is with the card installed and the computer is idle, and the second is during intensive performance tests (looped Splinter Cell benchmarks). This way, we are able to get a general idea of how the power usage varies between cards.

Power Consumption

Power Consumption

As you can see, the ASUS 7800 GT has the lowest power consumption of the three, which (because of the fact that it's clocked lower than the other two) is understandable. The EVGA 7800 GT CO has the highest load power draw here, which also makes sense given its high factory overclock.

EVGA e- GeForce 7800 GT CO Test Setup/Performance Tests
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  • Sunrise089 - Thursday, December 8, 2005 - link

    I appreciate this write up - the holidays are here, and many of us are in the market for a video card, so this comparison is helpfull. Your comparison of the cards, and your power and overclocking results were nice to see. Nice choice of games for a quick review as well. That said:

    1) Why did you overclock the cards, and then not test the overclocked cards in the three games you choose? This is especially important considering the plateau issue with OC'ing the cards - maybe the eVGA would have jumped to the next level of performance, making it the clear choice.

    2) Why oh why does Anandtech insist on not including any other cards in so many of its video articles. PLEASE PLEASE just add a 7800GTX and a X850XT to the chart. If you really went all out and showed us the 3 7800GTs, the same cards OC'd, the 7800GTX, the X850XT, a 6800GS, and either a X800GTO or an X800XL then this comparison might actually help someone decide whether or not to upgrade and what card they should buy to get their desired level of performance.

    Seriousely AT, just comparing the overclocked 7800GT to a GTX and a 6800GS would be so helpfull for someone buying a card this month, you all should have been able to realize that.
  • Zenbeatnik - Thursday, December 8, 2005 - link

    Ditto. I also wouldn't mind seeing a few other processors that more or less reflect the average user thrown into the review. You know maybe like a 3700 E4, an X2 3800+, or an Opteron would be useful for a lot more people that are thinking about adding a 7800GT.
  • ksherman - Thursday, December 8, 2005 - link

    I am NOT likin the little circuit city popup... dont tell me AT is getting into popups...
  • icepik - Thursday, December 8, 2005 - link

    Agreed. The flashy adds on either side of the article are plenty and should generate sufficient revenue. There is no justification to throw annoying pop-up ads into the mix especially on an enthusiast site.
  • KristopherKubicki - Thursday, December 8, 2005 - link


    The banner ad is rogue - some 3rd party advertiser has it inserted in one of their streams. We are working on getting rid of it ASAP.

  • shabby - Thursday, December 8, 2005 - link

    Firefox + adblock = no ads, period
  • bupkus - Thursday, December 8, 2005 - link

    Ditto. I really hate those things. I tried to tell myself that it costs to run this site but can't help how I feel about pop-ups.
  • bupkus - Thursday, December 8, 2005 - link

    I guess the close button on the pop-up is timed to stay open for a specified time. IOW, it doesn't work.
  • phaxmohdem - Thursday, December 8, 2005 - link

    No sh8t I hate those stupid animated pops as well. Come on anand, WTF???

    Back on topic, that Asus card looks frickin sweet IMO. Would be a great centerpiece for a flashy system build.
  • toattett - Thursday, December 8, 2005 - link

    I don't think the picture of Anandtech's eVGA 7800GT CO is correct.

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