PCMark05 Performance

We are utilizing the HDD test suite within PCMark05 for further comparative hard disk scores as it provides a mixture of actual application results and specific read/write percentages utilized within these programs. It is also a readily available benchmark that others can use for comparative purposes. The program utilizes the RankDisk application within the Intel iPEAK SPT suite of tools to record a trace of disk activity during usage of real world applications. These traces are then replayed to generate performance measurements based upon the actual disk operations within each application. The HDD test suite contains 53% read and 47% write operations with each trace section utilizing varied amounts of read or write operations. Additional information about the test suite can be found in PDF format here PCMark05 whitepaper.

Hard Drive Performance - PCMark05

Hard Drive Performance - PCMark05

Hard Drive Performance - PCMark05

Hard Drive Performance - PCMark05

Our overall PCMark05 score indicates the internal SATA connection is less than a percent faster than the eSATA setup and about 74% faster than the USB 2.0 connection. However, in the important application and general hard disk usage tests we see the eSATA setup outperforming the internal SATA configuration with the USB 2.0 system performing well.

Although not shown, our eSATA connection had slightly lower scores in the anti-virus and write sections of the test that caused the lower overall score. Our USB 2.0 setup scored 25.6 in the write test compared to 83.2 for the internal SATA connection. This along with a score of 29.4 compared to 137.2 in the anti-virus tests contributed to the greatly reduced PCMark05 total score.

Acoustics and Thermals Actual Application Times
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  • Gary Key - Thursday, July 12, 2007 - link

    We discovered an issue with the Intel Matrix Storage driver version and our ICY DOCK review unit that prevented true SATA 3Gb/s operation. An update to version did not work, even after an uninstall of the driver. However, after reinstalling Windows XP-SP2 and installing driver, the unit performed as advertised. This was repeatable on our DFI P965 board with the ICH8R.

    We are still looking into why this occurred as it was not repeatable on our P35 board with the ICH9R nor the Intel BadAxe 2 board with the ICH7R. We will publish updated HDTach results shortly. There were not any differences in our actual benchmarks other than the normal variance between benchmark runs that is typically +/- .05%.
  • Stan11003 - Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - link

    I think I could buy a 250GB drive for the cost of this enclosure....
  • JarredWalton - Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - link

    Which would work great as an internal-only HDD.

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