Assassin's Creed PC

by Jarred Walton on June 2, 2008 3:00 AM EST

Gameplay Videos

If you skipped straight to the last page, you'll want to go back one page for the conclusion of the review. This page is dedicated to gameplay videos, and we'd caution that there are definitely plot spoilers in some of these. The Garnier Assassination mission in particular should be avoided by those that prefer to go in unawares. The first three videos are more generic content showing the game in action, including a video of the benchmark sequence we used for performance testing. Higher quality DivX versions are available via the linked Vimeo pages.

Assassin's Creed Benchmark.

Escaping the Guards.

Viewpoint and Leap of Faith.

Minor spoilers on the following videos



Archer Assassination.


Collecting Flags.

Informer Assassination - here there be Templars.

Informer Assassination Take 2.

Major spoilers in these last two videos

Garnier Investigation Complete.

Garnier Assassination Mission.

Final Remarks
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  • Griswold - Monday, June 2, 2008 - link

    Thats no excuse. Halo sucked performance and gameplay wise compared to the PC-first titles of then - and that is what matters. In essence, the game is bad when you're used to play that genre on the PC. Same is true for gears of war but that port is lackluster in many more ways.

    I fell two times for console to PC ports. Never again.
  • bill3 - Monday, June 2, 2008 - link

    The even worst shooter is Resistance on PS3.

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