DirectCompute, OpenCL, and the Future of CAL

As a journalist, GPGPU stuff is one of the more frustrating things to cover. The concept is great, but the execution makes it difficult to accurately cover, exacerbated by the fact that until now AMD and NVIDIA each had separate APIs. OpenCL and DirectCompute will unify things, but software will be slow to arrive.

As it stands, neither AMD nor NVIDIA have a complete OpenCL implementation that's shipping to end-users for Windows or Linux. NVIDIA has OpenCL working on the 8-series and later on Mac OS X Snow Leopard, and AMD has it working under the same OS for the 4800 series, but for obvious reasons we can’t test a 5870 in a Mac. As such it won’t be until later this year that we see either side get OpenCL up and running under Windows. Both NVIDIA and AMD have development versions that they're letting developers play with, and both have submitted implementations to Khronos, so hopefully we’ll have something soon.

It’s also worth noting that OpenCL is based around DirectX 10 hardware, so even after someone finally ships an implementation we’re likely to see a new version in short order. AMD is already talking about OpenCL 1.1, which would add support for the hardware features that they have from DirectX 11, such as append/consume buffers and atomic operations.

DirectCompute is in comparatively better shape. NVIDIA already supports it on their DX10 hardware, and the beta drivers we’re using for the 5870 support it on the 5000 series. The missing link at this point is AMD’s DX10 hardware; even the beta drivers we’re using don’t support it on the 2000, 3000, or 4000 series. From what we hear the final Catalyst 9.10 drivers will deliver this feature.

Going forward, one specific issue for DirectCompute development will be that there are three levels of DirectCompute, derived from DX10 (4.0), DX10.1 (4.1), and DX11 (5.0) hardware. The higher the version the more advanced the features, with DirectCompute 5.0 in particular being a big jump as it’s the first hardware generation designed with DirectCompute in mind. Among other notable differences, it’s the first version to offer double precision floating point support and atomic operations.

AMD is convinced that developers should and will target DirectCompute 5.0 due to its feature set, but we’re not sold on the idea. To say that there’s a “lot” of DX10 hardware out there is a gross understatement, and all of that hardware is capable of supporting at a minimum DirectCompute 4.0. Certainly DirectCompute 5.0 is the better API to use, but the first developers testing the waters may end up starting with DirectCompute 4.0. Releasing something written in DirectCompute 5.0 right now won’t do developers much good at the moment due to the low quantity of hardware out there that can support it.

With that in mind, there’s not much of a software situation to speak about when it comes to DirectCompute right now. Cyberlink demoed a version of PowerDirector using DirectCompute for rendering effects, but it’s the same story as most DX11 games: later this year. For AMD there isn’t as much of an incentive to push non-game software as fast or as hard as DX11 games, so we’re expecting any non-game software utilizing DirectCompute to be slow to materialize.

Given that DirectCompute is the only common GPGPU API that is currently working on both vendors’ cards, we wanted to try to use it as the basis of a proper GPGPU comparison. We did get something that would accomplish the task, unfortunately it was an NVIDIA tech demo. We have decided to run it anyhow as it’s quite literally the only thing we have right now that uses DirectCompute, but please take an appropriately sized quantity of salt – it’s not really a fair test.

NVIDIA’s ocean demo is a fairly simple proof of concept program that uses DirectCompute to run Fast Fourier transforms directly on the GPU for better performance. The FFTs in turn are used to generate the wave data, forming the wave action seen on screen as part of the ocean. This is a DirectCompute 4.0 program, as it’s intended to run on NVIDIA’s DX10 hardware.

The 5870 has no problem running the program, and in spite of whatever home field advantage that may exist for NVIDIA it easily outperforms the GTX 285. Things get a little more crazy once we start using SLI/Crossfire; the 5870 picks up speed, but the GTX 295 ends up being slower than the GTX 285. As it’s only a tech demo this shouldn’t be dwelt on too much beyond the fact that it’s proof that DirectCompute is indeed working on the 5800 series.

Wrapping things up, one of the last GPGPU projects AMD presented at their press event was a GPU implementation of Bullet Physics, an open source physics simulation library. Although they’ll never admit it, AMD is probably getting tired of being beaten over the head by NVIDIA and PhysX; Bullet Physics is AMD’s proof that they can do physics too. However we don’t expect it to go anywhere given its very low penetration in existing games and the amount of trouble NVIDIA has had in getting developers to use anything besides Havok. Our expectations for GPGPU physics remains the same: the unification will come from a middleware vendor selling a commercial physics package. If it’s not Havok, then it will be someone else.

Finally, while AMD is hitting the ground running for OpenCL and DirectCompute, their older APIs are being left behind as AMD has chosen to focus all future efforts on OpenCL and DirectCompute. Brook+, AMD’s high level language, has been put out to pasture as a Sourceforge project. Compute Abstract Layer (CAL) lives on since it’s what AMD’s OpenCL support is built upon, however it’s not going to see any further public development with the interface frozen at the current 1.4 standard. AMD is discouraging any CAL development in favor of OpenCL, although it’s likely the High Performance Computing (HPC) crowd will continue to use it in conjunction with AMD’s FireStream cards to squeeze every bit of performance out of AMD’s hardware.

The First DirectX 11 Games Eyefinity
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  • SiliconDoc - Sunday, September 27, 2009 - link

    I'll be watching you for the very same conclusion when NVidia launches soft and paper.
    I'll bet ten thousand bucks you don't say it.
    I'll bet a duplicate amount you're a red rager fan, otherwise YOU'D BE HONEST, NOT HOSTILE !
  • rennya - Thursday, September 24, 2009 - link

    It may be paper-launch in the US, but here somewhere in South East Asia I can already grab a Powercolor 5870 1GB if I so desire. Powercolor is quite aggresive here promoting their ATI 5xxx wares just like Sapphire does when the 4xxx series comes out.
  • SiliconDoc - Thursday, September 24, 2009 - link

    I believe you. I've also seen various flavors of cards not available here in the USA, banned by the import export deals and global market and manufacturer and vendor controls and the powers that be, and it doesn't surprise me when it goes the other way.
    Congratulations on actually having a non fake launch.
  • Spoelie - Wednesday, September 23, 2009 - link

    "The engine allows for complete hardware offload of all H.264, MPEG-2 and VC1 decoding".

    This has afaik never been true for any previous card of ATi, and I doubt it has been tested to be true this time as well.

    I have detailed this problem several times before in the comment section and never got a reply, so I'll summarize: ATi's UVD only decodes level 4 AVC (i.e. bluray) streams, if you have a stream with >4 reference frames, you're out of luck. NVIDIA does not have this limitation.
  • lopri - Wednesday, September 23, 2009 - link

    Yeah and my GTX 280 has to run full throttle (3D frequency) just to play a 720p content and temp climbs the same as if it were a 3D game. Yeah it can decode some *underground* clips from Japan, big deal. Oh and it does that for only H.264. No VC-1 love there. I am sure you'd think that is not a big deal, but the same applies to those funky clips with 13+ reference frames. Not a big deal. Especially when AMD can decode all 3 major codecs effortlessly (performance 2D frequency instead of 3D frequency)
  • rennya - Thursday, September 24, 2009 - link

    G98 GPUs (like 8400GS discrete or 9400 chipset) or GT220/G210 can also do MPEG2/VC-1/AVC video decoding.

    The GPU doesn't have to run full throttle either, as long as you stick to the 18x.xx drivers.
  • SJD - Wednesday, September 23, 2009 - link


    Great article, but there is an inconsistancy. You say that thanks to there only being 2 TDMS controllers, you can't use both DVI connectors at the same time as the HDMI output for three displays, but then go onto say later that you can use the DVI(x2), DP and HDMI in any combination to drive 3 displays. Which is correct?

    Also, can you play HDCP protected content (a Blu-Ray disc for example) over a panel connected to a Display Port connector?

    Otherwise, thanks for the review!
  • Ryan Smith - Wednesday, September 23, 2009 - link

    It's the former that is correct: you can only drive two TDMS devices. The article has been corrected.

    And DP supports HDCP, so yes, protected content will play over DP.
  • SJD - Friday, September 25, 2009 - link

    Thanks for clarifying that Ryan - It confirms what I thought.. :-)
  • chowmanga - Wednesday, September 23, 2009 - link

    I'd like to see a benchmark using an amd cpu. I think it was the Athlon II 620 article that pointed out how Nvidia hardware ran better on AMD cpus and AMD/ATI cards ran better on Intel cpus. It would be interesting to see if the 5870 stacks up against Nv's current gen with other setups.

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