Resident Evil 5

The latest installment of Capcom’s popular survival horror series just arrived for PCs a few days ago. As is often the case with console ports, it’s not particularly GPU starved, and can crank out high numbers on just about anything.

We’re seeing a pattern forming here for the 5870: it can easily beat other single-GPU cards, but it just doesn’t have what it takes to beat multi-GPU cards. The GTX 285 is trounced by no less than 33%, but the 5870 in turn is passed by the 4870X2 by over 10%.

Meanwhile the 5870 CF once again posts the top score by a wide margin.

Dawn of War II Batman: Arkham Asylum
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  • SiliconDoc - Friday, September 25, 2009 - link

    LOL - you won't find me arguing, but that performance per dollar here is absolutely FAMOUS for guess whom, ati !
    Congratulations, for the first time someone other than myself conplained about it, of course, only when ATI has been implicated as a disaster in it.
    PS - I think what the chart is saying is, use some common sense, not go for 9500, but in your range you hope to purchase, the chart can be handy for picking between several.
    Also, the chart tells us, the 5870 is not bang for the buck.
    So, so sorry, it upset you so badly, the tips above for proper useage should be fine.
  • KaarlisK - Wednesday, September 23, 2009 - link

    Actually, far more developers care about the next version of DirectX (pc-industry-wide vendor-independent development platform) than about PhysX (single vendor, low uptake currently). Not that PhysX would be unimportant.
  • SiliconDoc - Wednesday, September 23, 2009 - link

    Not quite time yet, you can "pre-order" one of 3 versions at tiger..LOL
    This is not a "hard launch", this is a red RUSE !
  • SiliconDoc - Wednesday, September 23, 2009 - link

    Ok, hurry, the paper launch finally "cracked" a bit and there's one card of 4 5870's on newwegg that is suposedly "available for purchase".">
    It's 1:33pm on the 23rd, so no guarantees there's more than 0 for actual sale....
    Good luck on getting something other than paper. :-)
  • jabroni619 - Wednesday, September 23, 2009 - link

    I'd better not get paper... I was able to place an order at newegg at midnight when they were available and 18 hours later it's showing a status of shipped. ;)
  • SiliconDoc - Wednesday, September 23, 2009 - link

    7:08PM CST Wed. Sept 23rd, 2009 -
    Out of the 9 "reviews" by "customers" on newegg for the 5870 card, only ONE of them has the revealing:
    " This user purchased this item from Newegg " in blue by their name on the customer reviews tab.
    So it looks like 8 posers and you. Hope you enjoy the XFX 5870,
  • WoostaR - Friday, October 2, 2009 - link

    Thanks man, I actually went with 2 5870's. I know it's bit of overkill, yet future proof is better =)

    anyways, I have gotten over 17000 of 3dMark06. That's with Cpu.

    I am running Core i7 @ 4 ghz
    6GB of Gskill ram
    Dual 5870 @ CF
    750W Corsair.
    EVGA 3x SLI
  • jabroni619 - Thursday, September 24, 2009 - link

    Oh, and I didn't get the XFX, I got HIS. XFX wasn't even showing up when I placed my order. Only Sapphire, ASUS and HIS were, both the Sapphire and ASUS were OOS.
  • jabroni619 - Thursday, September 24, 2009 - link

    I haven't written a review yet as I haven't gotten the card. (hate it when people do that) I was a little worried up until just a few minutes ago when my UPS tracking# actually had some data. Estimated Delivery of 9/24/09. Hopefully it's waiting at the front door when I get home from work. I just spend the last 2 hours moving all the guts of my PC into a larger case to accommodate the card.
  • SiliconDoc - Friday, September 25, 2009 - link

    Apparently your luck is immaculate.">
    " We talked to partners and some of them might have a few cards next week and October is the month when things should get better.

    The big guys such as Newegg and Tigerdirect don’t have them, and in EU, a hundred plus cards are listed here, but none of them are available.

    A launch partner in the UK got 20 cards ...
    We hope that Radeon 5870 is not what AMD management calls a hard launch "
    ROFL - At least one place doesn't have to censor itself

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