Architecting Fermi: More Than 2x GT200

NVIDIA keeps referring to Fermi as a brand new architecture, while calling GT200 (and RV870) bigger versions of their predecessors with a few added features. Marginalizing the efforts required to build any multi-billion transistor chip is just silly, to an extent all of these GPUs have been significantly redesigned.

At a high level, Fermi doesn't look much different than a bigger GT200. NVIDIA is committed to its scalar architecture for the foreseeable future. In fact, its one op per clock per core philosophy comes from a basic desire to execute single threaded programs as quickly as possible. Remember, these are compute and graphics chips. NVIDIA sees no benefit in building a 16-wide or 5-wide core as the basis of its architectures, although we may see a bit more flexibility at the core level in the future.

Despite the similarities, large parts of the architecture have evolved. The redesign happened at low as the core level. NVIDIA used to call these SPs (Streaming Processors), now they call them CUDA Cores, I’m going to call them cores.

All of the processing done at the core level is now to IEEE spec. That’s IEEE-754 2008 for floating point math (same as RV870/5870) and full 32-bit for integers. In the past 32-bit integer multiplies had to be emulated, the hardware could only do 24-bit integer muls. That silliness is now gone. Fused Multiply Add is also included. The goal was to avoid doing any cheesy tricks to implement math. Everything should be industry standards compliant and give you the results that you’d expect.

Double precision floating point (FP64) performance is improved tremendously. Peak 64-bit FP execution rate is now 1/2 of 32-bit FP, it used to be 1/8 (AMD's is 1/5). Wow.

NVIDIA isn’t disclosing clock speeds yet, so we don’t know exactly what that rate is yet.

In G80 and GT200 NVIDIA grouped eight cores into what it called an SM. With Fermi, you get 32 cores per SM.

The high end single-GPU Fermi configuration will have 16 SMs. That’s fewer SMs than GT200, but more cores. 512 to be exact. Fermi has more than twice the core count of the GeForce GTX 285.

  Fermi GT200 G80
Cores 512 240 128
Memory Interface 384-bit GDDR5 512-bit GDDR3 384-bit GDDR3


In addition to the cores, each SM has a Special Function Unit (SFU) used for transcendental math and interpolation. In GT200 this SFU had two pipelines, in Fermi it has four. While NVIDIA increased general math horsepower by 4x per SM, SFU resources only doubled.

The infamous missing MUL has been pulled out of the SFU, we shouldn’t have to quote peak single and dual-issue arithmetic rates any longer for NVIDIA GPUs.

NVIDIA organizes these SMs into TPCs, but the exact hierarchy isn’t being disclosed today. With the launch's Tesla focus we also don't know specific on ROPs, texture filtering or anything else related to 3D graphics. Boo.

A Real Cache Hierarchy

Each SM in GT200 had 16KB of shared memory that could be used by all of the cores. This wasn’t a cache, but rather software managed memory. The application would have to knowingly move data in and out of it. The benefit here is predictability, you always know if something is in shared memory because you put it there. The downside is it doesn’t work so well if the application isn’t very predictable.

Branch heavy applications and many of the general purpose compute applications that NVIDIA is going after need a real cache. So with Fermi at 40nm, NVIDIA gave them a real cache.

Attached to each SM is 64KB of configurable memory. It can be partitioned as 16KB/48KB or 48KB/16KB; one partition is shared memory, the other partition is an L1 cache. The 16KB minimum partition means that applications written for GT200 that require 16KB of shared memory will still work just fine on Fermi. If your app prefers shared memory, it gets 3x the space in Fermi. If your application could really benefit from a cache, Fermi now delivers that as well. GT200 did have an L1 texture cache (one per TPC), but the cache was mostly useless when the GPU ran in compute mode.

The entire chip shares a 768KB L2 cache. The result is a reduced penalty for doing an atomic memory op, Fermi is 5 - 20x faster here than GT200.

A Different Sort of Launch A More Efficient Architecture
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  • silverblue - Thursday, October 1, 2009 - link

    Anand's entitled to make mistakes. You do nothing else.
  • SiliconDoc - Thursday, October 1, 2009 - link

    Oh golly, another lie.
    First you admit I'm correct, FINALLY, then you claim only mistakes from me.
    You're a liar again.
    However, I congratulate you, for FINALLY having the half baked dishonesty under enough control that you offer an excuse for Anand.
    That certainly is progress.
  • silverblue - Friday, October 2, 2009 - link

    And you conveniently forget the title of this article which clearly states 2010.
  • johnsonx - Wednesday, September 30, 2009 - link

    I think there might be something wrong with SiliconDoc. Something wrong in the head.
  • SiliconDoc - Thursday, October 1, 2009 - link

    I think that pat fancy can now fairly be declared the quacking idiot group collective's complete defense.

    Congratulations, you're all such a pile of ignorant sheep, you'll swather together the same old feckless riddle for eachothers emotional comfort, and so far to here, nearly only monkeypaw tried to address the launch lie pointed out.

    I suppose a general rule, you love your mass hysterical delusionary appeasement, in leiu of an actual admittance, understanding, or mere rebuttal to the author's false launch accusation in the article, the warped and biased comparisons pointed out, and the calculations required to reveal the various cover-ups I already commented on.

    Good for you people, when the exposure of bias and lies is too great to even attempt to negate, it's great to be a swaddling jerkoff in union.

    I certainly don't have to wonder anymore.
  • Griswold - Wednesday, September 30, 2009 - link

    So, you're the new village fool?
  • Finally - Thursday, October 1, 2009 - link

    Make that "Global Village Fool 2.0"
    He is an advanced version, y'know?
  • SiliconDoc - Wednesday, September 30, 2009 - link

    Nvidia LAUNCHED TODAY... se page two by your insane master Anand.
    YOU'VE all got the same disease.
  • MonkeyPaw - Wednesday, September 30, 2009 - link

    Is sanity now considered to be a disease? We're not the one's visiting a website in which we so aggressively scream "bias" on (apparently) every GPU article. If you think Anand's work is so offensive and wrong, then why do you keep coming back for more?

    Anyway, I just don't see where you get this "bias" talk. For crying out loud, you can't make many assumptions about the product's performance when you don't even know the clock speeds. You can guess till you're blue in the face, but that still leaves you with no FACTS. Also keep in mind that GT300 will have ECC enabled (at least in Tesla), which has been known to affect latency and clock speeds in other realms. I'm not 100% sure how the ECC spec works in GDDR5, but usually ECC comes at a cost.

    As for "paper launch," ultimately semantics don't matter. However, a paper launch is generally defined as a product announcement that you cannot buy yet. It's frequently used as a business tactic to keep people from buying your competitor's products. If the card is officially announced (and it hasn't), but no product is available, then by my definition, it is a paper launch. However, everyone has their own definition of the term. This article I see more as a technology preview, though nVidia's intent is still probably to keep people from buying an RV870 right now. That's where the line blurs.
  • SiliconDoc - Thursday, October 1, 2009 - link

    A launch date is the date the company claims PRODUCT WILL BE AVAILABLE IN RETAIL CHANNELS.
    No "semantics" you whine about or cocka doodle do up will change that.
    A LAUNCH date officially as has been for YEARS sonny paw, is when the corp says "YOU CAN BUY THIS" as a private end consumer.
    Anything ELSE is a showcase, an announcement, a preview of upcoming tech, a marketing plan, ETC.

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