
Battleforge is punishing enough for higher-end GPUs, but for anything below the 4670, we have to drop the quality to get playable framerates even at 1024. In this case we had to drop to Low quality to get playable framerates on the 5450.

Once we go Low, the 5450 and associated cards become playable at 1280, and more or less fluid at 1024. The 5450 continues to get around half the performance of the GT220, and once more loses to the 4550.

Far Cry 2 HAWX
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  • Ryan Smith - Thursday, February 4, 2010 - link

    4550 (RV710) was a 64bit bus.
  • Ryan Smith - Thursday, February 4, 2010 - link

    Images are a WIP.
  • SLEEPER5555 - Thursday, February 4, 2010 - link

    is proof editing also a work in progress? in a hurry to get the article posted or what!
  • sc3252 - Thursday, February 4, 2010 - link

    Is this a test to see if people will read articles without pictures, because I think I failed... Maybe next time just pull the article until pictures/charts are ready.
  • bonsai57 - Saturday, August 7, 2010 - link

    The article states: The Next Step In HTPC Video Cards.
    (Home Theatre Personal Computer Video Cards??)
    Am I right in this assumption?
    If so, then why are the benchmarks more orientated towards gaming??
    Obviously this is no gaming card.
    Please give a true outlook as to how this card performs connected to a TV.
    Is it OK? Is it Junk?
    My intent for this card would be a connection with a plasma display or perhaps LCD.
    Streaming video through the intenet such as Netflix or Hulu would be one concern.
    Playback through a Blu Ray Player on PC another.
    Perhaps my perception of this card and the subsequent review are irrelevant.
    Please don't game a card that's meant for something entirely different.
    Perhaps I have miscontrued the intent of this article, if so I appologize.
  • Sahana Munasinghe - Saturday, March 9, 2013 - link

    According to PC Wizard 2012 ATI HD 5450 Has 1 GPU & 2 Cores. does it mean HD 5450 has 2 Graphic Processors?
  • ngwvuvpuqzri - Saturday, August 22, 2020 - link

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