ATI Radeon VE 32MB

by Matthew Witheiler on February 19, 2001 3:09 AM EST

MDK2 Performance

Although the Radeon VE still falls to the bottom of the graph in MDK2 at 640x480x32, its nearest competitor has changed. Now the Radeon VE is closest in performance to the Matrox G450, leaving the Voodoo4 4500 behind. The GeForce2 MX easily dominates the Radeon VE by a huge 82%.

At 1024x768x32, the Radeon VE actually saves some face, performing within 18% of its noncrippled counterpart. In fact, the GeForce2 MX is able to out perform the Radeon VE by "only" 28%. This puts the Radeon VE in much better light, performing not as far off from the competition. In fact, the the Matrox G450 proved to be much slower than the Radeon VE at this resolution in MDK2.


Finally, at 1600x1200x32, all cards perform rather poorly. The Radeon SDR and the GeForce2 MX are able to provide 24 frames per second, however the Radeon VE falls 47% behind at 16 frames per second. Once again, the Radeon VE slightly outperforms the G450 at this resolution.

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