Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/3164

My World of Warcraft Performance Guide is finally done. I ended up turning in around 5AM this morning for a few hours of rest before polishing off the guide. The server I was testing on didn't get back up until around 10PM last night, pretty much wiping out a good day of testing as it was down since 8AM. I couldn't get much done while I was waiting for the server to get back up since my Pentium M testbed was running through hours of WorldBench, Winstone and SYSMark all yesterday.

I'm hoping to be done with the Pentium M article late tonight. So far I'm not too impressed with the performance. It looks like the memory bandwidth deficit of the 855GME chipset isn't that great, as moving to a dual channel memory configuration doesn't improve performance all that much. It looks like the only saving grace for Dothan on the desktop right now (performance wise) is clock speed, otherwise AMD is the much better bet from a performance standpoint (but obviously not from a power consumption standpoint, and once again I'm talking strictly desktop).

Derek is also working on a Wildcat article that should be ready by the end of tonight as well, so either his piece or my Pentium M piece will be up tomorrow morning for you all to check out. The remaining article will be up on Friday.

Now that the WoW article is done, time to cook up some breakfast...err brunch and get back to it. We actually had a reasonably warm day yesterday, it was about 51 when I went out scavenging for food here in Branford...not too shabby. Unfortunately it's back to cloudy and unfriendly temperatures today it seems.

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