Best Single Processor BX Motherboard for Overclockers

2nd Runner Up: Best Single Processor BX Motherboard for Overclockers

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Solid, stable operation, generally positive user feedback, and the ASUS name bring the P2B a close 3rd place. The limiting factors for the P2B include the age-old 4/3/1 expansion slot configuration (corrected in the P2B-F), and the lack of a voltage configuration utility.

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1st Runner Up: Best Single Processor BX Motherboard for Overclockers

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Albeit more stable than the BX6 Revision 2, the lack of a voltage adjustment feature leaves the AX6BC with the 2nd runner up award in this category. If the newer models of the AX6BC do begin shipping with the elusive voltage adjustment setting things could change in this category...

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Best Single Processor BX Motherboard for Overclockers

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Could this award go to any other company? The BX6 Revision 2 is the absolute best motherboard for overclockers. Supporting a wide variety of FSB frequencies and sporting the ability to adjust the CPU core voltage of any installed processor, the BX6 Rev2 is the hands-down winner in this category.

ABIT BX6 Revision 2
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Anand's Awards Most Stable BX Board
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