The Test

Test Configuration

Intel Pentium III 733
1 x 128MB Corsair PC133 SDRAM (Micron -7E Chips)
Hard Drive(s):
Western Digital 153BA Ultra ATA 66 7200 RPM
Bus Master Drivers:
Windows 98SE Default
Video Card(s):
NVIDIA GeForce 256 SDR
Video Drivers:
NVIDIA Detonator 5.22
Operation System(s):
Windows 98 SE
Motherboard Revisions:

ABIT BF6 Revision 1.0
ABIT BE6-II Revision 1.0
AOpen AX6BXC Pro Gold Revision 1.0
ASUS CUBX Revision 1.02
Gigabyte GA-6BX7+ Revision 1.1
Microstar BXMaster Revision 1.0
Soyo SY-6BA+IV Revision 1.0

Soyo SY-6BA+IV Performance
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