DX7 Performance - Unreal Tournament

Unlike the new Serious Sam engine, the aging Unreal engine has problems sorting out the differences between cards. At 640x480x32 all the GeForce3 cards perform the same, this time with the CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! reaching the top of the chart by an insignificant .3 FPS.

The performance lead of the CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! shrinks at 1024x768x32 to .1 FPS. Once again all GeForce3 offerings are essentially identical and card placement on the chart is likely to change simply when repeating benchmarks.

Same story at 1600x1200x32. Not much more to say other than that all GeForce3 products appear to perform the same with the Unreal engine.

OpenGL Performance - Serious Sam DX8 Performance - Aquamark
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