Final Words

Based on benchmarks of SiS' own reference board, the 648 seems like a very promising solution. The chipset almost always performed within a few percent of Intel's 850E and does so at a significantly lower cost; this explains why the 648 has the most initial support out of any SiS chipset we've seen.

The only thing that remains in order for us to pass final judgment on the chipset is to see more motherboards based on the solution. We already have a board from Shuttle in our hands and MSI is on their way to shipping us a 648 solution as well, but we'd like to see at least 8 or 9 boards based on the chipset in order to feel comfortable recommending it.

SiS has definitely come a long way in the past couple of years; from stealing VIA's thunder with the Socket-A 735 chipset to being the primary player in the 3rd party P4 chipset market, if they can improve their product execution SiS could easily become a force to be reckoned with.

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