NVIDIA on Tuesday said that future monitor scalers from MediaTek will support its G-Sync technologies. NVIDIA is partnering with MediaTek to integrate its full range of G-Sync technologies into future monitors without requiring a standalone G-Sync module, which makes advanced gaming features more accessible across a broader range of displays. Traditionally, G-Sync technology relied on a dedicated G-sync module – based on an Altera FPGA – to handle syncing display refresh rates with the GPU in order to reduce screen tearing, stutter, and input lag. As a more basic solution, in 2019 NVIDIA introduced G-Sync Compatible certification and branding, which leveraged the industry-standard VESA AdaptiveSync technology to handle variable refresh rates. In lieu of using a dedicated module, leveraging AdaptiveSync allowed for cheaper monitors, with...

Sonic 4: Episode II, Now Optimized for Tegra

We had a chance to get some hands on time with the Tegra Zone enhanced version of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II, which was announced yesterday for NVIDIA's...

9 by Brian Klug on 2/28/2012

Nvidia Announces LTE Partnership with Renesas Mobile and GCT Semiconductor

Nvidia's announcement today is a bit interesting, as it seems to head-off one of the most commonly perpetuated rumors that I read online in the SoC space. Namely, that...

2 by Brian Klug on 2/23/2012

The Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 (Krait) Preview Part II

Yesterday we presented the first results of Qualcomm's Krait based MSM8960 SoC. While we still await the first Krait based phones (widely expected to begin shipping sometime in Q2)...

49 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/22/2012

LG's Optimus 4X HD: 1.5GHz Tegra 3 Smartphone w/ 4.7-inch HD Display to Launch at MWC 2012

Although we're still waiting on the global announcement, LG Korea has already announced the Optimus 4X HD one of the first Tegra 3 based smartphones. The 4.7-inch display is...

19 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/22/2012

NVIDIA's Rebrands Tegra 3's vSMP as 4-PLUS-1

ARM Cortex A9 cores are relatively tiny and it's not too difficult to put a handful of them down on an SoC. NVIDIA did just that with its Tegra...

5 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/22/2012

NVIDIA Posts GeForce 295.73 Driver Package

NVIDIA has just posted GeForce graphics driver 295.73, its latest WHQL-certified driver package for desktops and laptops running 32-bit and 64-bit flavors of Windows Vista and Windows 7. The...

16 by Andrew Cunningham on 2/21/2012

ZTE Mimosa X: First Smartphone Powered by NVIDIA's Icera 450 Modem

In May of last year NVIDIA was on a roll. Hot off the release of the first Tegra 2 based phones, NVIDIA announced the intent to acquire baseband manufacturer...

4 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/20/2012

Alienware X51: The Xbox With Teeth

While Alienware isn't openly inviting comparisons to Microsoft's Xbox 360 with their brand new X51 gaming desktop, it's hard not to see the resemblance, at least in form factor...

59 by Dustin Sklavos on 2/17/2012

Rambus And NVIDIA Bury The Hatchet, Sign 5 Year Agreement

While Rambus has settled in one form or another with most of the major players in the computing industry, one of the remaining holdouts has been NVIDIA. NVIDIA has...

20 by Ryan Smith on 2/9/2012

AVADirect Silent Gaming PC: An Exercise in Balance

One of the benefits of going with a boutique builder is being able to get custom machines that are a little more specialized than what you might get from...

16 by Dustin Sklavos on 1/30/2012

NVIDIA Tegra 3: Games Plus SplashTop Streaming of Skyrim

Tegra 3 tablets are a big thing for NVIDIA right now, and we’ve seen quite a few new tablets using the SoC. At NVIDIA’s booth, they had a bunch...

12 by Jarred Walton on 1/11/2012

CES 2012 Nvidia Press Conference

We're at the Nokia press conference now where Jen-Hsun Huang just took the stage to talk about tablets, automotive, and what's in store in 2012 for Nvidia. Nvidia views...

4 by Brian Klug on 1/9/2012

ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Prime Review Part II: Battery Life & More

In our original review of the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Prime I did the best I could do given limited testing opportunity with the platform before the NDA lifted...

58 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 12/15/2011

NVIDIA Releases CUDA 4.1: CUDA Goes LLVM and Open Source (Kind Of)

Since starting their GPU Technology Conference in 2010, NVIDIA has expanded into several events so that they can hold events in Europe and Asia. The next flagship GTC will...

12 by Ryan Smith on 12/14/2011

Holiday 2011 Mainstream High-End Buyer's Guide

After covering the budget and midrange sectors of the DIY PC market, as well as pre-built desktops and laptops, today we have a guide outlining mainstream high-end builds. Saying...

52 by Zach Throckmorton on 12/9/2011

Introducing AMD’s Radeon 7000M and NVIDIA’s GeForce 600M Mobile GPUs

AMD briefed us last week on several new and upcoming technologies and announcements. We’ve covered the AMD Memory announcement, and next up on the list is AMD’s Radeon Mobility...

65 by Jarred Walton on 12/7/2011

Holiday 2011 Midrange System Buyer's Guide

The latest edition of our Holiday 2011 guides focuses on midrange desktops. If you enjoy the prospect of building your own PC or you just prefer the ability to...

58 by Zach Throckmorton on 12/6/2011

An Update on Transformer Prime Battery Life & WiFi Issues

In our review of ASUS' Eee Pad Transformer Prime I mentioned that I couldn't sustain speeds greater than 2Mbps over WiFi on my review unit. In practice, most web...

53 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 12/2/2011

Holiday 2011 Laptop Buyer’s Guide

We say it every year, but the trends continue so we’ll keep repeating it: laptops and mobile devices are becoming increasingly popular, often at the cost of desktop sales...

88 by Jarred Walton on 12/2/2011

ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Prime & NVIDIA Tegra 3 Review

Going from making good motherboards to going head to head with Samsung for Google's affection is a pretty big step for ASUS, but it's one that the company has...

205 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 12/1/2011

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