If you were to start designing a new gamepad to sell to the masses, what would you look at first? Would you start with tons of buttons, super-customizable software, or a new type of directional pad? Couldn't that make it too large for the tiny-handed among us? Ok, then make it small, with fewer buttons. Then you have those who like to play Mechwarrior or Unreal Tournament without touching the keyboard. Or maybe you'd try something completely new and different like flashing lighted buttons that give you a mild electrical shock when something bad happens on-screen. Well ok, maybe not, but the point is, there's no pleasing everybody. That statement is especially true with something as individual and subjective as a gamepad. However, Microsoft is likely to please most people with their new entry in the gamepad market, the SideWinder Game Pad Pro.


Intense Combinations
-Control Sports, Action and arcade games with precise D-Pad control.
D-Pad Options
- Proportional Mode for smooth joystick-like control or Standard mode for traditional game pad feel
Double Your Fire Power
- Shift button lets you double the programmable functions assigned to the 6 button and 2 button triggers
Plug And Play
- USB (Universal Serial Bus) makes set-up and installation quick and easy

System Requirements

To use Microsoft SideWinder Game Pad Pro with the Game Controller Software, you will need:


  • Multimedia personal computer with Pentium 166 or higher processor and USB port
  • Microsoft Windows 98 operating system
  • 16 MB of memory (RAM)
  • 10 MB of available hard-disk space
  • Quad speed CD-ROM drive
  • Super VGA, 256-color monitor
  • Microsoft Mouse, or compatible pointing device
  • The Hardware
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