AMD Duron 750

by Anand Lal Shimpi on September 5, 2000 12:00 PM EST

As the focus of our attention shifts from gaming under a consumer OS to productivity applications under a professional platform, the Duron has no problem making the adjustment.

Content Creation Winstone 2000 isn't a very taxing benchmark at all, not anymore at least. Today's processors have no problem handling the multiple applications the benchmark tosses their way. For those whose usage patterns are characterized by CC Winstone 2000 (multiple content creation applications open i.e. office applications, web browsers, image editors, etc...), the Duron proves to be just as good as its more expensive siblings.

The Thunderbird is around 5% faster than the Duron in CC Winstone 2000 and the original K75 Athlon is barely 2% faster than the "value" priced Duron, once again on a clock for clock basis.

The overclocked Celeron 850 is performing at around the same levels as Duron 700, however none of the regularly clocked Celerons can even outperform the lowest scoring Pentium III 600 and thus don't even appear on the comparison charts.

Gaming Performance (Expendable) - Windows 98 High End Performance - Windows 2000
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