AMD Duron 750

by Anand Lal Shimpi on September 5, 2000 12:00 PM EST

As a "high-end" processor, the Duron keeps up with the best of them. While the 750MHz Duron is not able to outperform the Thunderbird at 700MHz, for the price, being outperformed by 3% isn't too bad.

In general, the Duron comes out around 5% under an equivalently clocked Thunderbird in the High End Winstone 99 tests. It is obvious that the tests prefer the faster L2 cache of the Duron to the larger L2 cache of the Athlon, as the latter only seems to outperform the Duron by 1 - 2% on a clock for clock basis. The Thunderbird, having the best of both worlds, a fairly large L2 cache as well as a fast one, manages to pull ahead of both of its relatives.

Content Creation Performance - Windows 2000 Gaming Performance (Quake III Arena) - Windows 2000
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